Juror Post Service Questionnaire 9 1 2020 Posted on August 31, 2020September 8, 2020 by Post Jury Service Questionnaire Thank you for your important service as a juror with the United States District Court. The Court cares about the safety of our jurors and wants to do everything we can to make jury service a positive experience. We value your opinions and recommendations and ask you to take a few minutes to complete the following questions. 1. When did you complete your jury service? 2. Where did you serve as a juror? Las Vegas Reno 3. Were you nervous or apprehensive about serving as a juror due to COVID-19? Yes No 3a. If you answered "Yes" to question 3. Please explain below. 4. Before coming to the courthouse, were you provided with adequate information regarding steps the Court is taking to keep you safe while you are here? Yes No 4a. If you answered "No" to question 4, please tell us what information you would have liked to have had. 5. When you entered the courthouse, did you have safety concerns going through security? Yes No 5a. If you answered "Yes" to question 5, please tell us what we could have done to help you feel safer. 6. Were you provided with adequate safety during your juror check-in and orientation? Yes No 6a. If you answered "Yes" to question 6, please tell us what we could have done to help you feel safer. 7. If two courtrooms were used during jury selection, please tell us what your experience was. Were you able to see and hear the other courtroom? 8. Were you comfortable sitting in the jury box? Yes No 8a. If you answered "No" to question 8, please tell us why you were not comfortable and what we could have done to help you feel safer. 9. Did the barriers in the courtroom create any difficulty during the trial? For example, did they interfere with your ability to hear or see? Yes No. 9a. If you answered "Yes" to question 9, please tell us the difficulty you had and what we can do to improve. 10. Were the jury and deliberation room(s) comfortable and safe? Yes No 10a. If you answered "No" to question 10, please tell us what we can do to improve. 11. Did the jurors follow guidelines to keep each other safe? Yes No 11a. If you answered "No" to question 11, please explain. 12. Were there any guidelines that you would have hoped to hear the presiding trial judge announce prior to or during the trial? Yes No 12a. If you answered "Yes" to question 12, please tell us what we can make more clear. 13. Were you nervous or apprehensive during or after serving as a juror due to COVID-19? Yes No 13a. If you answered "Yes" to question 13, please explain and tell us what we can do to help. 14. What can the court do to improve how it responds to the challenges of coping with COVID-19? Thank you for your input. The Judges of the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada Time's up